
My Love For Her

Thank you for making your way here – and welcome! Below is a little bit about my creativity, and in the following pages you will find my artwork, my tarot workshops and practise, bone totems and textiles, as well as a very part-time blog. To buy my work please visit my Etsy shop! 

I’d LOVE you to join me for the party I have going on over at Instagram

There is a magical theme running through many of my pieces – witchcraft, spirit animals, and unseen realms. Underpinning many of my pieces is an urge to tell stories that have been hidden, whether they be mine, or women’s collective memory and lore. 

Small stitches mend, and they pin down otherwise free floating ideas or pieces of fabric. Mark making holds story. I find myself continually thinking about theft, of what we have lost, or perhaps never had. For me this means the gradual stealing of our land, our safety, for women our reproductive rights, peace of mind, a life without equality or sovereignty, perhaps too our agency and our very voice. Silence erodes, theft is capture. All rich veins of possibility to be woven into a different tapestry, one with heretical threads. This, this is where I return to, again and again.